Website Chatbot Gets Links Correct

Website Chat Bot Traffic Helps Customer Experience: Links are Correct

If you have had trouble getting links to your website correct, such as shopping cart categories, we are specialists in this field. Here is a website where we have installed our "Chat Buddy" (but you can call it what you want). You can also contact ChatNode™ directly (opens in a new browser tab).

We get a small commission by referring ChatNode™ to you, which helps pay for this website. (opens in a new tab; this website sells motorized window openers, blind motors, and motorized louvres, all of which can be controlled by Alexa).

You can check the link to the shopping cart category here: (opens in a new tab)

Our chatbot answers questions about your business; links are correct

Website No-Code Chatbots: What Are They and Why Use Them?

The ChatNode program is handled by a browser online, and the entire interface is displayed once you sign up. You will receive login credentials that will give you access to your message bots. The ability to use an API is optional.

A website chatbot is an AI powered bot that can have conversations with website visitors in real time. They use NLP (Natural Language Processing) and converse in real sentences. The chatbot is normally minimized, so you have to click on it to bring it up.

Chatbots are embedded into websites to act as virtual assistants that can answer customer questions, provide helpful information, and guide users through the ordering processes.

Benefits of Website Chatbots: Automate Messages

There are many benefits of using a BOT:

  • Lead generation and other conversions
  • Available all the time, unlike human reps
  • Provide quick answers to common questions
  • Can handle multiple conversations simultaneously
  • Instant assistance and better customer support experience
  • Collect questions and answers that have been asked (History)

A Brief History of Chat

Over 300,000 websites have adopted chatbots as of 2022, more than double the number in 2019. By 2025, industry researchers predict over 500,000 websites will utilize bots.

Website chatbots have become ubiquitous across industries, with more and more companies integrating these AI powered bots each year. Recent data indicates just how rapidly chatbots have expanded.

As artificial intelligence and machine learning unlock new possibilities for highly accurate responses and predictive analytics from chatbots, adoption will continue rising across sectors.

Virtually every industry stands to benefit from 24/7 automated customer service and operational efficiencies chatbots create. Expect industries of all types to jump on board to drive revenue growth, elevate user experience, and optimize business costs.

Contact Us

We sincerely hope you enjoy our advanced technology products; if you have any questions, please contact us at any time! You can also contact ChatNode™ directly (opens in a new browser tab).

Here is a video to watch (by the CEO of ChatNode™):

The first article in the "settings" series is about getting your PROMPTS correct. If you need to configure your website chatbot, our guide will take you through it.